Thursday, March 31, 2016

March 31

March 31, 2016
At the beginning, everyone was moving at the same tempo and everyone was one level – straight.
Don’t laugh when you are frozen – brooke and Sydney
WE HAVE TO HAVE WIND ON narrow steep way.
Someone pick up the camellia
At the end, Everyone looks at Quixote – Shhh then look out at exit sign and freeze.
Wind whispers die out.
Villagers moving into Kilroy’s entrance are in a straight line and there are no levels.
Must have hard freezes then move out naturally – do not move eyes.
Ladder needs to be at an angle EACH time.
During Kilroy’s chase scene at the beginning, try to grab him and miss. Kilroy, try to dodge some people. This one scene looks too staged.
Really a great job – better than district. Keep making the lines fresh.  When you meet new people, treat them differently.  Don’t treat everyone the same.
5 min – Cognac
10 min – I gotta find something to cash in on
15 min – Where’s the grey hound depot
20 min – Anxious old hawk
25 min –Violets in the mountains can’t break these rocks.
30 min – Maky – the street cleaners are waiting for you
35 min – Block 14
Where was the wallet and the picture?
When you first come in be a slow record…. Excited, then slower, then look then line.
React to the streetcleaners.
Be more vocal when you fall during end of play and with Esmeralda
Fight after Guard takes you off the Fugitivo
Lean in for a kiss after I am sincere
Move head naturally when speaking to villagers and Casanova… talk as you are moving your head.
Change your personality with each new person/group of people you meet. Do not stay the same – Shanghaied is an example of how you change. This is what one of the judges said – need to see your heart.
Sleep under the stars – first time excited
Sleep under the stars – second time resigned to fate.
What happened to one true woman’s pic.
Rose between teeth.
This PLACE is confusing sounds like this play is confusing.
Keep coughing and stay in character until you are two feet out of curtain line.
More energy – I know you are getting frustrated, but you are doing a sing song. A little faster on some of lines. Show blue ribbon prominently at the beginning and end.
Choose one among shadows – look at these people – squint your eyes
Seemed too memorized and slow.
Come in desperate for water, see fountain,and try to rush to it. More disappointed when there is no water.
Be more dead, head lolled to one side – legs and arms at unnatural poses.
Did you say I sorry buddy?!?!?!!?
Wear helmet as the airplane.
Carly lights
We need to see Gutman when he moves the ladder and touches his hips.
Gutman, during one of the scenes, roll your chair around and with back to audienc, move your head and say block….
Fight for  your suitcase
Prudence and Olympe
Exchange coats and hats
Stage lights
Light on Gutman block 12
Light on Madrecita during her curses
Light on Kilroy’s entrance.
HISS and move bodies weirdly – only Payton and Evan are weird. Move hands crazily. Crouch.
Gypsy and Gutman
Exchange cigs as we talked about during class
Don’t move during caged bird lines.
As Prudence, age must match voice – see Ms. Keeler
Guard Riley
After you say Hey – scratch or something
After chasing Kilroy off – escort him with a gun.
After Fugitivo, take extra suitcases off USL, not across CS.
Kuehler likes foot on back?
Louder at times we could not hear or understand you – especially at Morris code.  See him blink then rush to him.
Say honor like you say Jacque Casanova
Say I am Jacque Casanova with a flourish of your cape. Pose beat lines
The knees in each scene seemed staged. Do something different.
Legs are a problem, make a choice to hold them apart WIDE and pull your skirt up a little.
Purse is gone – do not look up – look down and around.  Faster on discovery.
Don’t anticipate Casanova on knees.
When you can’t find a wrap after the cabana boy tears your dress. Look around and make the decision to stuff the dress in your bra so you don’t have to hold it.
Casanova and Gutman
You are not believable when you see the people.  Actually see and react to these poor souls.
Cut the storm noise until we can figure out when to use it.  People need to whisper instead.
React to the scene – Evan look around – having Riley’s back.  Riley move among people and scare them. Hold a gun up to someone’s head, then click and laugh exiting.
We need to see the decision to let him lift the veil.

March 31, 2016


  1. I don't think I say the buddy thing??? But I will work on being more disgusted(?) by the villagers. I really want to bring an extra element to the performance this week. I had trouble finding it last time but I feel as though I have it now. Let's do this everybody

  2. when did we start getting behind tonight???

  3. Everyone's doing great. Be sure to be loud and crisp. Hit every consonant and don't forget to make each character noticeably different for the ones who play multiple characters. The distinction needs to be brought out more. Be sure to use the physical space around you. Like the bird or the bird cages. Look at them and let your feelings about what they represent show. Make sure that your deep inner feelings of the Camino Real are shown not only in your facial expressions but within your entire body and your voice.

  4. pumped for area this week! The changes we made yesterday with the guards is looking good!

  5. we need to make some things on our stage look older and dirtier. keep up the good work!!!

  6. I like that we changed the set just enough to fix the judges critiques and glad that we're moving on!!!! Ready for Thursday

  7. The set looks great and I think if we continue to do what we're doing we can do great. Keep it up

  8. I'm working on making each of my characters different. I want the judges to think that a different person played each of my roles.

  9. me and cooper need to work on or time cues and signals, like pulling up our sleeves, so we can help the actors about time.

  10. The way we changed the set looks a lot better! i like the new window too!

  11. Make sure and show the pecking order in the play .

    Street cleaners are the only characters that listen and fear no one . Other than them , the order is Villagers and Vendors, the new outcast on the Camino Kilroy, people staying near the siete mares, (Casanova, margarite, Lord and Lady mulligan ) then the gypsy then Gutman. If we can maintain that I feel like the judges will feel the tension between ever character.

  12. When we perform on Thursday the stage is really big and the whole theater Itself is big so when talking we need to be loud and Hit every consonant! I'm glad we changed things around
    on the set to look different! I'm very excited
    about area but we need to be bold and be big also lets be different around each other...each character interacts and changes around each other let's make that clear to the judges and audience! I will work on changing my whole body voice etc to define the difference between olympe and the villager.

  13. The guard scenes are looking so much better! I'll work on making all of my characters different, which we all should. I've really been working on trying not to crouch like the mummer. We all just have to get everything down to perfection! Like Ashlynn said at district a play doesn't have to be understood to be good, so let's kick butt on Thursday!!

  14. This week I will be sure to talk to the people backstage and streetcleaners, if you can remember to touch kilroys shoes when he says don't look at me that would be great!

  15. We need to keep moving forward and make sure we focus tomorrow.

  16. The play has really advanced and I am really happy with how far we've come

  17. I really need to make sure I show that I'm trying to seduce Mac in some places.

  18. everyone needs to make their characters different, the costumes can't do it all

  19. Be sure to project and dictate every word. Let each line not only be heard but be felt by everyone. Make sure it seems as though you are hearing the line for the first time and saying yours for the first time.

  20. Guys I've noticed that we all are too worried about messing up our lines, set, actions, and others actions. We need to remember that this is in God's hands. Always give the glory to him win or lose, and remember that why you do this to the best of your ability is for him. Everyone go as hard as you can tomorrow, and we'll break the Seminole curse

  21. Having a bigger blue ribbon will help but i definitely need to flourish it more and be bigger due to the whole "actor storyteller" persona that i need to put off more. I also am planning on reviewing my lines so that i can introduce the show as it should be introduced tomorrow.
    Good job everyone and lets keep it up, nay, lets take it up a notch!

  22. I'm stoked for area and I think we will all do great!! I love how we changed the hermano scene it makes the Gaurds look super scary and I think it really works!! I also think that the makeup and street cleaner things looked AMAZING!!!! I also need to work on being different characters instead of staying the same each time I go on stage. I need to be more desperate as a villager and creepier as a street cleaner. I need to give the people a reason to fear me. overall I think we are doing really well!!

  23. Streetcleaners if you can try and touch Lord Mulligans shoes when he is leaving from the Siete Mares

  24. Guards need to be tough! Also Jonah in the patsy scene want to get away more you look like you don't try hard enough, great work these last few weeks I love how the play is turning out great.. Also round of applause to the crew for all they do backstage and the trailer. Keep up the hard work people we're going places!

    1. Remember to be desperate and hot and you want to get out!

  25. First I'd like to say how proud I am of the focus everyone showed before the show and how pretty much everyone (besides me) kept their composure after. We have a really special play one that I believe can make it all the way to Austin but in order to do that I think we really need to work on doing the show like its the first time I'll be the first one to admit that I've gotten comfortable and that's never good. Again great job everyone we're one step closer!
